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Individualized Home Services (IHS)

A Service Provided in the Individual's Home

An agency may provide this service/support or the individual may privately hire someone to provide it. This service is provided in the individual’s or family’s home in the community


  • IHS provides assistance in basic skills, banking, budgeting, shopping and is designed to allow a person to live in their family home or live in their own home

  • A person can either work with a private provider for services or they can hire someone on their own to provide the services

  • Anyone that works for a private provider or that you would hire would receive training in DDS policies and procedures including; abuse/neglect, incident reporting, individual rights, and confidentiality and the prevention of sexual abuse. 

  • They also will have specific training to implement strategies to address behavior, medical or other identified needs and to provide assistance in following special diets and/or therapeutic routines.

  • Increased hours can be provided based on a Level of Need A typical and/or an Individual Plan. This service provides intermittent support and is less than 24 hours a day support.


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